
30 Days // FAIL!

I quit. I can't do it, no, I CAN do it, I just choose not to. I'm already late on two and yeah, I'm over it. It didn't feel natural anyway. This blog was strictly to put off paying a therapist and to use when necessary. Showing you a picture of what's in my purse...not so much.

So this weekend I was back home for one night and it was actually the best trip I've taken back home in a long time. I think the short time there kept it from being stress free. I had to pack less, I was less obligated to do things/be places and I got to see almost all of our immediate families in less than 24 hours. Short timing, but just short enough to prevent anyone from dying.

So I return back home with plans to go to a friend's 30th birthday party. Not exactly what I was up to - I'm not much for getting out of the house lately. I'm still working through some issues that I thought would be a bit more tolerable now but sometimes it really gets to me. Sometimes I wake up and feel great, then it'll hit me that I should be this many months pregnant - or I just think about how different things would be had I never lost my baby.

Needless to say, I'm not in a festive mood, and I wasn't really feeling a party. I got on board and went, not just because I need to get out and not be such down but because my poor, sweet, supportive husband has been by my side this whole time with me. I knew he needed out, so we went and it was a good thing we did because there wasn't a dull moment. We saw old and a few new friends and spent the night conversing, laughing and making fun of the women in some ridiculous "oh she should NOT wear THAT" outfits. Towards the end of the night, just when it couldn't be anymore entertaining, it did. I had already forgotten that there would be some live music at this venue so imagine my excitement when this guy walked onto stage...

Yes. Vanilla Ice.

Did you have any idea he still performed? WITH new music? I didn't, and I didn't care, I just wanted to hear that infamous song. It's funny how so many of us, including myself make fun of the 'ol guy and rightly so. He made a complete jerk of himself on The Surreal Life and let's face it, he was a one hit wonder, but when I heard the intro to Ice Ice Baby - I can't explain how it felt. It was funny and exciting at the same time. I just remember watching the video when I was in 5th or 6th grade thinking he was so freakin' cool and how I wanted to dance like him. That was 20 years ago and it was nice to share that moment with my husband and good friends. I'm totally not saying Vanilla Ice makes me forget where I am in life right now, but the moment definitely made me smile.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Haha - I remember in 5th grade there were a few girls that made a dance video to that song and it was sent to our troops in Desert Storm. That's what I think about when I see him or hear his name. He also has a reality show on tv of him totally decking out houses to sell. SO weird! Glad you had a good time, lady!