
Visiting my roots

My trip back home has been a breath of...familiar, air. I made it in around 10 this morning, and went to straight to the church to help my mom with the meal she was putting together for the family of a shooting victim. It's tradition a meal is provided for the family after the funeral and burial. And as our family is close with this family, we volunteered to feed all 75 of them, which is actually small compared to the last funeral, almost double in size. I've also made it my own personal tradition to drive in and help my mom as it is the least I can do to pay my repsects.
I can't imagine what could have been going through the mind of the 14 year old that took the life of 38 year old father. Last year he was in middle school, this year, he is being charged with murder. I think whatever sentence he will be given will be better than what would've happend had the police not been the first to find him. The victim's family and friends are...more prone to take matters into their own hands. After the service, burial, and meal, we cleaned the reception hall and visited the inlaws where I got to hold a baby! Sigh!
After the day's activities, I made my way to Wal-Mart where I realized how somethings never change. I see familiar faces, go to the same restaurants when in town, and nothing ever changes. There was a slew of college boys with mom and dad shopping for dorm necessities, the same donuts for breakfast (health, right?), and the same bad drivers. I miss it occasionally, but don't know how I could ever move back. I've changed too much in the past year, and wouldn't even know where to begin if I ever returned.
So now I sit, in my parent's living room with my dad watching some redneck comedy show. My niece is drawing, and my mom, I have no idea what she's doing. It's going to be a quiet night, I should take advantage and hit the sack, but it's not often I can just sit and enjoy the company of my family like I use to every Saturday night. Tonight, going out is for suckers. I'm with the 'rents.

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