
My Puppy is Cuter Than Your Puppy

So we were fighting for our pups to get more of the spotlight....


yessi said...

aww cuties!

What kind of camera are you thinking about buying? The things holding me back right now are 1. I think I'll pick a sucky one and 2. I won't take as many pictures if I'm always scared to break it and 3. I carry my current camera in my WALLET, so it's terribly convenient, whereas I would have to get a neckstrap or something for a nice one. I just can't deal with all that! =P

Jeff said...

I just LOVE their eyes...

The purity, the innocence, the unconditional love.

Christina said...

Hahaha - you're right - Khloe does look exactly like an EWOK! That cracked me up! I thought that was your sister in the pic, but of course that was just a hunch, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I want a dog like yours!!!